Monday, January 11, 2010

Everybody's Doing It...

It seems that everyone is getting a blog nowadays. I've always thought they were lame but secretly wanted to make my own. So, I thought why not start now? My goal for this thing is to make an entry every day...or at least a few times a week. (I'm a forgetful person and am bound to forget about it sometimes.)

So, I guess I should start with the current status of my life. Well, Spring Semester has just begun and I couldn't be more enthused. Actually, I probably could but it's a figure of speech, go with it. After not doing so hot last semester, I'm ready to blow this semester up! Some classes I am excited about like Campus Band (with Jess and Zack!) and HB 201. Others, not so much, like MTH and WRA. But, I have friends who are great at those subjects and will hook a sista up! Yay for smart friends!

I made a New Year's Resolution...again. But, this one's not lame like "lose weight" or "get organized". I feel that it's a really good thing to resolve to do and it's made my life pretty great thus far. My resolution is to do what makes me happy and not worry about what other people think of me. Here's how it's helped me: I used to not text people or write on their Facebook walls because I thought they'd think I was annoying. But, I did these things and guess what! The world did not end! Nobody called me annoying or anything! According to a good friend (and psychology major) I've been worrying so much about what other people are thinking that I don't see how they actually feel. I believe she called this "the looking glass" or something? I don't know. I mean, sometimes I still get that feeling of "what if?" but I've learned to ignore it. I'm just happier (if that's even possible, my life was great before my resolution).

I'm running on 1.5 hours of sleep and I must wake up in 4.5 hours to enroll in and drop courses. After this, I have to actually attend a class or two and I should probably be awake for them. So, friends, I will hopefully converse with you at a later date. Well, I guess it's not really conversing so much as you reading what I write. I'll just assume you know what I mean. Good night!

Hugs and Kisses,

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