Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh hey, Exam Week!

This week is apparently exam week. I had three exams and a rough draft due this week. The paper was due on Monday and I had a Math exam the same day. Then I had my COM 225 and PSY 101 exams today. The stuff on Monday was terrible, but the exams today were AMAZING!

I woke up at 8:50am after about 3.5 hours of sleep and took a shower. Then I headed over to Wells to take my COM exam. I was afraid I wouldn't do well because I missed the review and I didn't read all of Chapter 3. But when I read the test questions, I discovered that they were word for word from the book. So, I did really well on that exam. Then I had about 2 hours before my next exam so I went to the library to do some last minute reviewing. I then hopped on a bus to Vet Med to get my exam on. There were 30 questions on this test; I might have missed two at the most. It was the easiest Psych exam I have ever taken in my life. Naturally, I finished that bad boy in record time and was back in my room by about 1:30pm. I was planning on being productive and cleaning my room, but Facebook went and ruined that.

I also discovered today that I'm still being charged for a class I dropped. Why? Because it was a partial-term class, which means that the date to drop it and still get a full refund is earlier than other classes. So I had to email my old HB Adviser and ask her if she could back-date it for me so that I don't have to pay for a class I'm not taking. Hopefully she'll do it, I don't see any reason not to.

After all that was done, I decided to take a nap before going to PRIDE with Justin. But, 20 minutes after I lay down, Danielle barges in, turns on the light, and starts just throwin' shit around. THEN she decides that it would be a good time to Skype her mom and little brother...WHILE I'M SLEEPING!! She finally left 15 minutes before I had to be up to leave. So much for a nap. Ugh, sometimes I don't know what to do with her. Anyway, I got up and went to Landon for dinner with Justin. Then I had to take care of a special task...involving Nerf Gun bullets. Then we went to PRIDE in which we watched Hairspray. I love that movie. And now, here I am. I'm thinking about watching either Teen Mom or Jersey Shore. MTV just feels right at this point in time. Haha.

This weekend is going to be so fun! Kaitie is coming up for Lil Sibs weekend tomorrow. We're probably gonna just chillax and maybe see a movie at Wells. Then on Saturday I believe we will be hitting up the mall (even though I absolutely HATE the mall). At 6:00pm my squad is going on a "Squad Date" to Altu's, the Ethiopian restaurant. When that's done Kaitie and I will be going over to Jess's for a "Mexican Fiesta"! That will most def be fun. Then she's going home at some point on Sunday. I have Kappa at 2:00pm (pushed up due to the Superbowl) and then hopefully something will be going on after that. Football games are always fun with a bunch of people, I love Superbowl viewing parties. So, yeah, it should be a fun weekend.

Hugs and Kisses,

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