Thursday, February 18, 2010

Proud to be an Amercian

I've been watching the Olympics for the past 4 hours and what I've seen has made me incredibly proud to be an American. The athletic ability of these American Olympic representatives has me in awe. "(Fill in the blank) is the best (fill in the blank) in the world!" has come out of my TV so many times tonight, and each time they referred to an American athlete. I'm proud to say that I come from the same country as these great competitors.


Today did not go as planned/predicted. I slept through my WRA class AND lunch with Justin. Fortunately, I was able to go to office hours and turn in my paper. What a relief. And I don't think Dr.V is going to take off any points for the paper being 4 hours late. I mean, he didn't mention anything about it. So, it's reasonable to believe that, right?

After walking over to Bessey to turn in my paper, I went to the Union for lunch. Vicky happened to be there studying for our math quiz, so I ate with her. I made it a very brief lunch so I could get back to my room and study/nap/shower before class. Well, what ended up happening was me getting home at 2:00pm and going right to bed. I woke up at 3:00pm and hopped in the shower. It wasn't a fast shower, but it was no (as my dad would say) "Hollywood" shower. I was ready and out the door by 3:45pm.

I got to Wilson at about 4:00pm. I had not been on my computer all day, so I checked all my usual websites for a little part of class. Probably not a good idea to do during math class, my worst class ever, but it happened. Matt, one of the people from my group at DMA, sent all of us a message in which he said we should all have a continuous conversation. Naturally, I HAD to contribute right away. So, I ended up missing a bit of the lesson. I'll just get it from the book later. I did, however, take the quiz. I think it went okay; I knew some stuff and had no idea about other stuff. And going off of previous experience, I'm think a 50-60%. Not great, but I'll take it. The quiz took me about 10 minutes, so I was out of there by like 5:15pm.

I then went over to Justin's room so we could go to the mall. When I got there, he told me that Danielle (my roommate) asked if she could tag along. So, we had to wait for her. But I wanted to eat so we told her to meet us at the Union. However, she had to go to Meijer so she was just gonna meet us at the mall.

Justin had the exact shoes he wanted in his mind already, so we looked everywhere for the pair he was picturing. But, we couldn't find them, so he had to settle for some other ones. Then we found a super hot shirt and tie for him. I told him to buy so many shirt-and-tie combos JUST for the tie. Haha. They looked so good! Whatev, he got the combo I wanted, so ultimately, I win. Then we met Danielle. But not before something completely not-okay-with-me happened.

This is kind of a story within a story. Okay. Justin and I were walking to a store when we saw a little girl (couldn't be more than 2 or 3 years old) standing in the middle of the hallway(?), just looking around. We looked around for a parent and thought we saw her at a nearby stand, so we continued. But we weren't sure, so we kept an eye on her. The "parent" walked away without her, so we knew that wasn't her mom. We didn't know what to do. We stood there, watching the little girl, making sure she wasn't getting kidnapped, but not helping her. After a few minutes we decided that we HAD to do something. We walked over to this poor little girl, got on her level and asked where if she was lost. She responded in a meek little voice with, "Where's my daddy?" And right then, out pops a couple from behind a nearby gum ball machine and says, "That's why you don't run away!" and take the little girl. (This was her father, so don't be alarmed.) We were shocked at these parents. This girl was at most 3 years old and they were testing her?! She's 3! Just think how scared that little girl must have been!! I am appalled that they would do that to their own child! I just can't believe it. I will NEVER do that to my child. And, hopefully, neither will anyone else. Sorry, I'm done ranting now.

After that (which I am still very affected by), we met up with Danielle and then went to find me some jeans. We only found a very small selection and I was forced to get two of the same pair. Then I had to find a black, long-sleeved shirt for Campus Band. Of course, there were none in the womens section. I had to get a men's dress shirt. But, it was on sale, so I'm kind of okay with it. We then walked over to Meijer so Danielle could get a new phone and so I could get some men's V-Neck undershirts. (They just look so comfy and somewhat stylish!) Then we caught the bus to the Union and ate some pizza. (Yes, for the third time today.)

Danielle and I got back to our room at around 10:00pm. I checked all my sites and then took my Psych quiz. Sam and I decided that we should make the Mello-Tenor hang out a regular thing, so we notified our respective sections. We are both super excited about this. I can't wait until next Wednesday now. After organizing that whole thing, I turned on the Olympics and watched for about 4 hours. Now, here I am.

I am so so excited for COM tomorrow!! We're learning about jealousy. If you look up "jealous" in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of me. I'm a very jealous person, but apparently I'm really good at hiding it because a lot of people close to me don't know. Anyway, this class session should teach me a lot about it and ways to control it and stuff like that. And controlling it means that I won't have to feel bad so much. Therefore, I'm excited for it.

Also, at 2:30pm tomorrow, it is officially the weekend for me. This means I can start reading the books I bought yesterday! I'm really excited to start reading "Columbine" and learning what REALLY happened. Oh right, I'm talking about tomorrow. I have absolutely nothing to do until 7:30pm, which is when Danielle's concert is. I'm excited to hear some full orchestra music. I love it. When the concert is over, I'm going to dinner with Kate. That should be fun too. Unfortunately, dinner with Kate means that I have to miss PRIDE. But, I guess we're only making bracelets and stuff so it's no big. I go every other week anyway, I think I can miss one meeting. Yeah, so, tomorrow should be pretty chill and fun.

Speaking of "big" (go back and reread if you don't believe that I said it). Today is my Big's 20th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RACHELLE!! :)

I really don't want to sleep through any classes tomorrow, so I'm gonna hit the hay. Good night, friends!

Hugs and Kisses,

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