Monday, February 22, 2010


There will be many little rants on things that are pissing me off. Or things that make me happy. Or things that have been on my mind. So, just be prepared.

I hate that I've worked so hard to get the reputation of "a good friend that doesn't have drama", just to ruin it with one dumb mistake. I feel like such a bad friend. I know that I made a mistake and that it was a very stupid mistake at that. I think about it every day. All parties that were actually INVOLVED are totally over it. But, the person I hurt clearly is not. And I don't care about the other party who was involved, I care about this person I hurt. I've always been the person who would never hurt a friend and who would always be there for them. Now I've gone and made a dumb mistake and hurt a friend that I really care about. I'm in the process of trying to fix it. But, there's only so much that I can do in this situation. Ugh!! I just HATE that I did that! I feel like a terrible, terrible friend and I am so sorry. I just want to go back, but I can't; I have to deal with it. So, that's what I'm trying to do. Fix it and move on (hopefully). And that's the end of my rant about me being a bad friend.

Okay. How stupid do you have to be to not break up with your significant other, when SO MANY people have told you that they're cheating on you?! A good friend of mine is in this situation. At least 6 of us have told him that his girlfriend is cheating on him. He knows deep down that it's happening. But, he keeps saying that he doesn't know what to believe. I HATE that!! Why don't you know what to believe?! 3 of your BEST FRIENDS have told you this! You're not gonna believe them?! His girlfriend's own SISTER told him that she's cheating, but he still "doesn't know what to think". Seriously?! She's putting him through so much pain, he should just end it. Poor guy. I love him, but he can be so stupid sometimes. Ugh!! And so ends my rant of stupid friends.

I hate when friends try to turn you against other friends. I have two friends that really dislike each other. They always try to point out the flaws in the other to try to "persuade" me to hate the other. I've told both of them that I consider both of them my good friends and that I may not always agree with everything they say about the other, but I'll always be there to listen. But, they still try to push it on me. I kind of hate it because just hearing it so much makes me believe it sometimes; and I KNOW it's not true! It's kind of unhealthy, but they're my friends and I love them, so I have to deal. End rant of friends hating friends.

The girl code. Who came up with that? Because I'd like to punch them in the face. This rule of "you can't date your friends ex-boyfriend...even if SHE broke up with HIM" is just stupid and creates so much unnecessary drama. Even a kiss is against the rules. I feel that if one girl says she's over a guy and another girl waits a suitable amount of time, she can go after him. She's over him, why not? Ugh, it's just so dumb! Now that I've said that, I can also totally understand where this person is coming from...but ONLY if it was an incredibly long and invested relationship. I guess there are some rules that we need to follow. But the "girl code" is one of the dumbest things ever invented. That's the end of the "girl code" rant.

I love how music can instantly change your mood. Clearly, I was in a pissy mood. But then "Here's To The Night" by Eve 6 came on and now I'm calm and reminiscent all of a sudden. I love that! Thank you, music! This is why I say that music is always there for me. It can always put me in a better mood. I just love it so much! Okay, that's the end of my rant on music.

Don't you hate when you're shopping for jeans and they don't have your size? I hate that so much. I was shopping for jeans the other day and they only had one type of jeans that was my size. I was desperately in need of jeans, so I had to buy two of the same pair. Oh well, it had to be done. This marks the end of my rant on shopping for jeans.

I hate when I invest so much of myself into a friendship, and the other person couldn't care less. I've invested so much time and so much of myself into a friendship because I think this person is pretty much the shit. But this person seems like they could really give a shit about how much I care about them. Ya know how sometimes when you meet someone, you know right away that you want to be friends with them? Well, that's how I was with this person. Right away, I knew that they were super cool and that they'd be really fun. So, I started to invest myself in being their friend. But they seem like they don't care about being my friend. They put very little, if any, effort into this friendship. Friendship is a two-way street, both people contribute. I just wish the other person would do the same. The end of my rant on friendship.

I hate when you think so much of a person that it impedes upon your life. Like, I could really enjoy a certain activity, but if this one person thinks it's lame, then I'll immediately start seeing it that way. Not completely, but little things will start popping up and then it'll eventually take over. I hate that, because it could make me give up on something that I really love. I need to work on that, because that's really not a good thing at all. That's the end of my rant on...who is controlling my life?

I absolutely HATE that I hold grudges. It ruins my friendships and other aspects of my life. It's so stupid! Why can't I just let things go? I wish I could just live in the present and forget about the past. I wish others could do the same. That was a very short rant on holding grudges.

I think I'm done ranting for now. If I come up with anything else, I'll just have to make another ranting entry. Haha.

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